Saturday, June 14, 2014

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Monday, April 30, 2012

Control Remote Employees from Anywhere

Employee Monitoring Software

Today everything is getting hi-tech and fast from mobiles to every single thing you set your eyes on. This is the reason why companies are not lagging behind anymore and are quick in absorbing the latest Employee Monitoring Software so as to keep a check on the activities of the employees and that they do not end up taking unnecessary advantage.

With the easy assistance of the EmployeeMonitoring Software companies will be able to easily protect the company and lay full attention from second to second over the activities of the workers and monitor each and every move they take. Moreover it again proves to be highly crucial in safeguarding the business and the company’s privacy concerns from being maligned or leaked out to outsiders.

There are several times that only one particular employee of the company can prove to be highly hazardous for the company by leaking vital information outside. This is where the head of the company has to take proper care and scrutiny and must skillfully install the efficient Employee Monitoring Software to prevent any form of leakage of information which solely belongs to the company alone. Soon after this software gets installed the employer will be able to monitor keystrokes of the worker, the message and mails that move in, including all kinds of transferred FTP files.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

How to Manage Obesity Effectively?

We spend millions of pesos every year on diets and weight control paraphernalia, yet the results are dismal. For many, permanent,successful weight control is more difficult to achieve than victory over drugs, tobacco or alcohol. Being fat isn't healthful. Excess weight impairs health and shortens life. As little as 10 to 15 pounds of extra weight produces measurable changes that can lay the foundation for disease. And for every 10 pounds of overweight, a lifespan can be shortened by as much as a year.

People who are overweight need major revisions in thinking and attitudes. Weight control programs usually fail because they are short-term fixes for long term problems. It's time to face the reality that obesity can be serious and life threatening condition.

Managing obesity is much more than a dietary problem. Like diabetes, hypertension, alcoholism or smoking, obesity requires a comprehensive approach to lifestyle changes.

First, you have to have a long term commitment, a lifelong commitment that does not change when binges or other serious lapses occur. With this kind of commitment, you can get up when you fall, start again, and persevere.

Second, you need to identify and change habits that cause obesity. This may be as simple as eliminating soft drinks or cutting back on fats and oils. Or it may require you to completely restructure your eating patterns and lifestyle.

Third, attitudes often need radical surgery. Willingness to change is critically important. Read books, attend seminars, join fitness groups, and make friends with health minded people. Weight control is not a vanity trip. Keep the focus on improved health, and the weight will take care of itself.

Finally, look for a weight control plan that's consistent with a lifetime of good health. This will include regular exercise, a low fat, high fiber diet, and a physical, mental, and psychological outlook that meets your needs in every area of life . Weight control should be only part of a full and fulfilling life not its main preoccupation. Put your heart into it and keep it there.

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Friday, June 3, 2011

How to lose weight if your overweight?

Obesity is usually measured by the upper arm skin fold measurement and is described as excessive body fatness. Those over the 85th percentile are categorized as obese, while the group over the 95th percentile are super-obese. Super-obesity has increased tremendously over the past year . Being a couch potato does affect weight. Science shows this to be true, but many youth and adults are not fitness per se. Oh yes, we may have friends who work out on a daily basis, but many youth are spending more time in front of the television than even before

Obesity definitely does have its downside as far as health is concerned. There is a strong association between childhood and adolescent obesity and cardiovascular disease, especially hypertension and its complications. Coughs and colds are more frequent, and respiratory diseases may impact obese children and youth through sleep apnea syndrome and later, the effects of chronic low oxygenation of the blood and other breathing problems and respiratory infections.

Many people are dieting today. It is encouraging to know that the majority of those trying to lose weight know how to diet, and reducing snacks and general food intake. Unhealthy dieting behaviors, such as fasting, taking diet pills, or vomiting can be dangerous themselves.

What can be done if your overweight?
1. Acknowledge that there is a problem with your weight and read about healthy food preparation and eating practices. Become informed. Do not follow fad diets, and do not limit the variety of foods eaten.

2. Buy healthy foods. Do not be tempted to fill your cupboards with convenience foods high in fats and sugars. Provide balanced meals, and serve portions that suit the needs of each family member. Provide alternative low calorie foods,if necessary , for snacking.

3. Involve in more activites. Take things gently at first. Make some fundamental rules regarding the time to be spent watching television, and involve the family in physical activities that you will enjoy. Keep record of your weight and encourage the venture. Reward yourself to a SPA or malling for even small steps of success.

4. Drink more fluids and eat more fruits and vegetables.

5. Don't live a sedentary lifestyle.

6. Exercise can be a great activity, especially when you do it for fun with your friends. One good way is to organize an aerobics club. Plan to meet at a different friend's home each week for lively music and exercise. If you don't like aerobics, get together with your friends, and play volleyball,basketball,tennis, swimming, or other sports. If you aren't the athletic type, walking maybe your answer. Go for a briskwalk three or four times a week around the neighborhood with a friend. Or check some local trails and wooded areas and go hiking or mountain climbing.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The effects of Tobacco and Cigarrete smoking

Tobacco is Addictive

Tobacco is one of the most addictive of all substances used by humans.

Nicotine is six to eight times more addictive than alcohol. And when compared to other drugs, it is as addictive as cocaine creck.

Of all the people who use nicotine 95-100%are addictive.

According to the Surgeon General,tobacco usage is an addiction and should be treated (JAMA 252:2874)

Tobacco is Toxic (poisonous)

Tobacco contains over 4,000 Identified chemicals. Thirty or more are known to be highly toxic carcinogens.

Do you know what some of these chemicals are used for?

- Ammonia is used in cleaning products
- Arsenic is used as ant poison
- Butane is used as lighter fluid
- Cadmium is in rechargeable batteries
- Carbon monoxide is in car exhaust
- Cyanide is used in rat poison
- Formaldehyde preserves corpses
- Methanol is used in jet fuel
(U.S. Surgeon general's report, 1989,pp 79-84)

Harmful effects of Cigarette Smoke

Cancers -Lungs, Liver , Pancreas, Mouth(oral cavity) , Bladder, Throat(Pharynx), Kidney, Voice box (larynx), Cervix, Trachea (wind pipe), Leukemia, Esophagus, Colon, Stomach, Skin , Penis

Heart Problems - Atherosclerosis, Ischemic heart Disease, stroke, COPD, heart attach

Risk for pregnant women and fetus - miscarriages, SIDS, premature/stillbirths

Male reproduction - Infertility, Impotence, deformed and less motile sperm.

Female reproduction - cervical cancer, Infertility, dysmenorrhea

Common trigger for Asthma exacerbation

Circulatory Problems - narrowing of blood vessels, and reduced blood flow to organs and body parts.

Have a Smoke Free Life 

Hair - Free of Smells

Eyes- Clear and bright

Breath and Teeth - Clean and Healthy

Complexion - Looking Good

Lungs - Plenty of Breath

Heart - Strong and Fit

Fertility - A baby when you want

Pregnancy - A healthy mum , a healthy baby

Finger and Nail - No stains

Savings - More money for other things

Effects of Smoking Cessation 

Within one week : Teeth and smell dramatically improve. All of the 5 senses return to normal. More physical withdrawal symptoms disappear. Fetus is free of Nicotine. Teeth are whiter and mouth is fresher.

Within one month :

Circulation Improves - More blood platelets are activated. Respiratory problems decrease. Energy and stamina increase. Pulse rate and blood pressure lower.

- Stroke risks reduced to that of a non-smoker 5 to 15 years after quitting.
- cancers of the mouth , throat, and esophagus reduced to half the risks in 5 years
- Coronary Heart Disease risks cut in half within one year after cessation and return to that of a non smoker in 5 years
- Chronic Obstructive Disease risks of death reduced after long term quitting
- Lung cancer reduced as much as half in 5 years after cessation
- Pancreatic cancer reduced to that of a non smoker in 10 years
- Ulcer reduced compared to a non-smoker within few weeks
- Bladder and cervical cancer reduced to that of a non-smoker within a few years
- Low birth weight baby risk reduced to that of non-smoking women who quits before pregnancy or during first trimester.

Mortality of Smokers

At least 25 percent of all smokers die prematurely from smoking-induced illness.

Those individuals lose an average of 21 years of life.

An individual who starts smoking as a teenager and continues through middle age will cut an average of 24 years off their life.

Tobacco use: A Public Health Disease 

Tobacco Kills :

every 10 seconds  = 1
every minute         = 6
every hour            = 360
every day             = 8,640
every month         = 259,200
every year            = 3,153,600
year 2,000 WHO = 4,000,000
by 2030 WHO    = 10 million

20,000 Filipinos die every year due to tobacco related diseases , 2 or 3 every hour

The Benefits of Stopping smoking

Step 1 - Pick your Favorite Benefit - To stay successfully off cigarettes you must want to stop smoking for your own well-being. Which of the following benefits do you desire?
Health benefits - less risk of cancer , heart disease, emphysema, stroke and accidents.
Economic Benefits - More money to spend or save, less sickness and medical expense and damage to possessions ; more job opportunities.
Social Benefits- improved appearance of skin , teeth and fingers
Fresher smelling person and possessions. More self-confidence and influence with others.

Step 2 - Set a Time That's Definite
Unless you are under unusual stress, plan to make the break sometime soon gradually within the next week. Although there is no wrong time to stop smoking. there is no time now. The difference between a goal and a dream is action.

Step 3 - Prepare Physically 
Like an athlete in training for olympics, your success in breaking free from smoking on proper preparation.
Begin to: Get eight hours of sleep each night. Drink eight glasses of water and eat a balanced breakfast. Walk briskly at every opportunity. Many who get regular exercise lose their desire to smoke. Make your teeth cleaned immediately following your break free date.

Step 4 - Prepare Mentally 
Visualized yourself enjoying all the benefits of living tobacco free. Visualized this joy by repeating frequently, " I love being free from smoking" . Believe that you are becoming free of tobacco and you will be free. Ask a non smoking friend for moral support.

Step 5 - Plan rewards that motivate 
Write down the rewards you'll give yourself when you accomplish each of the following present Goals breaking free : One week of freedom ; Three months of freedom ; six months of freedom.

Step 6- Observe nonsmokers to Imitate - Observe nonsmokers to learn how they react to situations that would prompt you to smoke. Note how they handle stress, occupy their hands . Imitate their better methods for meeting these needs.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What kind of Car are you ?

According to surveys Men are major car buyers in United States and UK. They dreams about owning high powered automobile and they are like kids when it comes to cars . So if your into buying or purchasing a car there is certainly a lot of information you need to understand. Research the difference between buying a used car or brand new car from a dealer , private seller or auction . Then you need to decide on what to purchased. If you want to buy a used car here is some tips you need to remember .

Before buying a used car it is important to check the car's condition and consider taking a qualified vehicle examiner with you. Always know the market value of any car so you can negotiate better. And make sure you get the detailed vehicle history report. So be careful some dishonest dealers pose as private sellers to offload unsafe and clocked cars so it is necessary for you to know where to purchased your used car.

Research dealership and sellers in your area . And if you are in Italy you can start with auto usate milano , vendita auto usate , compro auto usate wherein they sell and buy car since 1978 and provide customer quality service and assistance with efficiency and competence.It also offers affordable and competitive rates for buyers and sellers compared to other car dealers .

Car shoppers today are turning to previously owned cars as alternative because new vehicles lose so much of their value as soon as they're purchased.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Important things you need to know about Mesothelioma

Many people are still clueless about Mesothelioma so here is some of the things you need know about this disease .Mesothelioma is actually a rare disease which affects the mesothelium which covers many of the internal organ of the person. Environmental and Occupational Asbestos exposure is usually the main cause of this disease.

Signs and Symptoms  of Mesothelioma

Symptoms often resemble those of common everyday ailment .

Patient with Pleural Mesothelioma - Shortness of breath, chest pain, lower backpain , weight loss, persistent cough, difficulty swallowing , fever and nausea.

Patient with Peritoneal Mesothelioma- Nausea, weight loss, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, swelling of the feet


Treatment of malignant mesothelioma at earlier stages has a better prognosis but cure is very rare. 

The most common Surgery is that the Lining of the chest is removed ( Pleurectomy). Less common surgery is removal of lung, lining of the inside of the chest , the hemi diaphragm and pericardium are removed whuch is called (extrapleural pneumonectomy(EPP).

Other Treatment for Mesothelioma includes Radiation , Chemotheraphy , Immunotheraphy , Multimodality Theraphy

So if you have been exposed to Asbestos during work you can take legal action against an employer . It is advisable to consult a  New York Mesothelioma Lawyers or Mesothelioma Lawyers San Diego for compensation claims if you are near this area .

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